It is a beautiful Sunday. Started my day with a walk, walked the neighbors dog Precious (Shadows lil friend) Shadow is getting old but I did walk her too.
Joyous time worshipping our Awesome God. So grateful for His presence in my life. Thankful he created me with a soul so that I can experience the Spirit and love he continually shows me. Enjoyed some In-n-out with some friends, ummm it was good, but when is In-N-Out not good though?
Had a good time hanging out with my mom's family last night. Attended an AA meeting. Everyone should attend one in their lifetime, they will enjoy it! Tons of interesting people, most are very friendly. Crowd interact on is common. Overall a unique experience. Well we went cause my grandpa has been sober for 25 years, he celebrated his "birthday." If you know my grandpa he is a character, and an inspiration. He rode his bike across the country and goes to the gym daily despite being in his 70's, you would never know he was an alcoholic. He's a great guy now. After the meeting we bombarded a Starbucks nearby, all 15 of us. Cracking up at pictures that transform your face to if you were fat and playing telephone were just some things we enjoyed laughing about.
I am blessed with a loving and funny family.