about me

Friday, March 21, 2014

Week 21- 23

We'll I have not been updating and focused on pregnancy updates, I should because I am not doing a book or anything.

Total weight gain: gained 8 pounds
Maternity clothes: Not yet, just loser shirts because I just look fat. I did have to go out and buy bigger bras.
Sleep: through the night luckily but I am starting to get uncomfortable, tossing and turning more.
Best moment of  last week; celebrating st Patricks day with corn beef and cabbage and my favorite Irish soda bread. This week; Starting the nursery, shopping at hobby lobby for curtains and bumpers fabric. 
Miss anything: beer (wanted green beer for St Patricks day) and sangria. My hormones being stable.
Movement: yes at certain times during the day, mostly morning and night. Cam even got to feel her a little Tuesday night while we were watching The Voice.
Food cravings: Cookies as always. 
Anything making you queasy or sick: not really but I did throw up for the very first time last night, it was weird. I have been fine since. Might have been the cereal I pigged out on for lunch. 
Have you started to show yet: I guess so since a kindergartener asked me" are you having a baby" I had to ask how she knew and she said " I can tell" I was wearing this shirt months early before I was pregnant and a fourth grade boy said the shirt was a pregnancy shirt. I did not wear that shirt since.

A little get-away Arizona spring training

So it has become a tradition going to Arizona for spring training in March. It is a fun get away, beautiful weather and lots of baseball.
We drove out there Saturday morning and got there just in time for an Angel game. We had amazing seats.

So much fun and good times with my brother and dad. We even meet some friends out there and hung out a bit. Couldn't have asked for a better, more relaxing vacation.