about me

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Week 33

Total weight gain:
 gained 18 pounds
Maternity clothes: Yes, just got some very comfy and cute shorts. I do still wear normal clothes altered with hair ties. 😉
Stretch marks: I think I do have one on my boob; which I don't understand because I faithfully put cocoa butter with vitamin e on daily.
Sleep: Pretty good occasionally get up early morning to go pee. Last night was bad due to this stupid cold!
Best moment of this week: registering and touring the hospital. Going to Flemings to celebrate Cams promotion. Also having Monday off with Cam. Getting the nursery together. Finally all done, We just want to add some stuff to the walls.

Miss anything: Same things and breathing normally, not getting out of breath.
Movement: Yes throughout the day now!
Food cravings: Same, waffles, In-n-Out, and my newest one which I have not had yet a cinnamon roll. 
Anything making you queasy or sick: nope!
Have you started to show yet: Yes finally
Belly button in or out: Half and half it is getting smaller.
Wedding rings on or off: On
Happy or moody most of the time: Both, there is just so much going on, so much unknown with Cam getting promoted and starting training. He will have to go to michigan for a week sometime in the next 8 weeks and not knowing where or what his hours will be full time when he is done. It is all in Gods hands though!
Looking forward to: dr appt tomorrow and Hanging out with a friend Friday. Also having dinner with Cam every night because he goes in at 9pm the next two weeks.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Mid week blessings

So numerous blessings today! 

Found out Cam is getting promoted and starts training Sunday. 

Coworkers had a small surprise shower for me during class. 

Also the little girl in my class I witnessed fall head first off the monkey bars was at school today.
Definitely the most startling I've witnessed teaching. I watched her fall straight down from the monkey bars as she was hanging upside down. This little girl hangs upside down all the time but for some weird reason just fell. She got up on her own but wobbled and looked like she couldn't breathe. I'm thinking oh man do I need to do CPR, will I remember everything I need to. Luckily she was okay I helped her to a bench to sit down. 
I was glad to see her at school today!

Monday, May 19, 2014

Week 32

How far along:
 32 weeks
Total weight gain: gained 18 pounds
Maternity clothes: Yes or altered normal clothes. Low shorts, bigger tops.
Stretch marks: Nope
Sleep: Yes I have been sleeping through the night or waking up early morning to go to the bathroom. 
Best moment of this week: Getting stuff for the nursery. Going to an Angel game and spending time in the mountains.
Miss anything: Nothing new
Movement: Oh yes! It is getting stronger too!
Food cravings: Nothing new, just the usual In-n-Out
Anything making you queasy or sick: nope!
Have you started to show yet: Yes
Belly button in or out: It's getting smaller
Wedding rings on or off: On
Happy or moody most of the time: Happy and emotional at times
Looking forward to: hospital tour and registering this weekend!

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Week 29/30

How far along:
 29/30 weeks
Total weight gain: gained 16 pounds
Maternity clothes: a couple, other than that I'm adjusting my attire unbuttoned pants, long loos shirts.
Stretch marks: I had a scare but I think it was just a weird skin thing.
Sleep: Started getting up around 2 to go to the bathroom, although I do not have to go that bad. I think it is more training my body for checking on Paisley. 
Best moment of this week: Going to the angel game and watching them win. Having a sonogram and seeing her heartbeat and profile!
Miss anything: energy.
Movement: Oh yes she is moving even more. She really wanted to join us at the angel game she was moving a lot!
Food cravings: nothing really new. I really want homemade waffles with fresh strawberries.
Belly button in or out: It's getting smaller.
Wedding rings on or off: On,
Happy or moody most of the time: Happy and a little emotional. Really missing Cam, working opposite schedules is hard!
Looking forward to: First Mother's Day this weekend!

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Busy week

Started report cards for school. 
Cam was sick Thursday, we snuck out to a 66ers game. It was medicine for him! I needed In-n-Out so we had that for dinner. We just needed a night together since we hardly see each other during the week. 
Saturday Cam spent a long time at the dentist! $481 later we finally leave and he has clean teeth. We then decide to head to an Angels game with my brother and Lawrence. 
We had a fun night, saw a shirtless man try to run the bases and get tackled. They won so that maybe it even better. Paisley really wanted to enjoy it with us she was moving a lot. 
Sunday we added a few more touches to the nursery
Hung up her name.
Finished the tutu bed skirt! And we got a elephant sheet from Target!